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Indonesia flagG - Canned food manufacturers in Indonesia

food industryGREAT GIANT FOODS

Head office:
Sequis Tower, Level 39 - 40
Jl Jendral Sudirman Kav. 71 SCBD
Lot 11B Jakarta Selatan 12190
Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) was established in 1979 and is located in Lampung, South Sumatra, Indonesia. GGP has a total of approx. 31.000 hectares of land and plantingpineapple and others rotation crop. It has 5 major plants for cannery, can making and drum, labeling, juice concentrate, and can process 2,000 tons of fresh pineapples each day. The annual pineapple harvest is more than 500,000 tons of pineapples annually, making it the third largest producer of canned pineapple products and pineapple juice concentrate in the world.
PT Great Giant Pineapple is the largest private label manufacturer of canned pineapple in the world, and a prominent source of premium pineapple. Boasting extensive plantations, the company currently exports more than 15,000 containers of processed pineapple to over 60 countries, with a market share of 25%. The company expanded its business in the fresh fruitmarket since 1992.
Source: the website

canCanned pineapple

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