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C Chile food manufacturers


Casa Matriz: Av. Alemania 613
P.O box 7-D
Código postal 4440000
Los Angeles Chile
The company was founded year 1975 in the city of Los Angeles-Chile, by Mr. Oscar Perelló N. and a group of partners who accepted the challenge. The first processing plant was located in Av. Alemania 523 (today 613), it started processing only one product, dehydrated Rosehip shells, aimed exclusively to exports. Brand: Perello, Los Angeles

Chestnuts in syrup, Pears in light syrup, Maraschino cherries (red), Blackberry jam in bilaminated bag, cherries in light syrup, Peaches in light syrup (halves), Peaches in light syrup (cubes), Raspberries in light syrup, Strawberries in light syrup, Sweet red peppers, Paté de foie

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